This client is a healer that is on a shamanic path. This persons galactic guide is showing how to be a mirror using sacred geometry and chanting light language, so the dark one can see ITSELF. This is a true tool for healing in major infestations. The path is a hard one but will enable this client to KNOW darkness. Per the request of the client, I sent the original here as this was the vision I received when meditating. The nebula I painted came out with the energy that is attached to this reptilian. Look at the faces….

This image is the old man, possibly a physical teacher or metaphorical teacher in disguise, not showing his true colors….
This is the image I sent initially to the client as I do not like to send anything negative without giving them the opportunity and permission from them to request it from me. This client resonated deeply with the original image above.
The client sent me an image of the art I created hanging on the wall and had it blown up/printed life size. How cool is that? (did express the lighting was not good)