Tune into your heart, not your heart chakra, your real heart and align it with the Central Sun. They say your heart has  a mind within itself.  Since money is only energy, what would it bring you if you had as much as you wanted? It would bring most of us the feelings of security. Think about the feelings it would bring to you and live it in your imagination as if you are secure. (or whatever feelings having money will generate) Drop those feelings from your mind into your heart when you connect to the vast energy source of the Universe. This is 5th dimensional Law of Attraction.

I just doodled this image after meditation (then went digital)and I still have yet to get the real in-depth interpretation of it…

UPDATE I received a download in meditation that this image is a “manifest from the heart activation.” This image has all the coding embedded within it to assist in your manifestation mastery.  I learned something else too…Love is the heart structure, the highest frequency that could possibly be and it IS absolute abundance.  What this means in the most simplest terms I can explain here, is if I charge a certain amount for my work, I am putting out a specific code into the Universe that is conditioned and limited and specifically in alignment with the monetary system.  If I work and share truly from the heart center, the quantum field works for me and opens up infinite possibilities in infinite realities with no conditions or limitations.  It is not rejecting the monetary system or rejecting any way of being provided for, it is actually the opposite.  I am creating a new timeline that is moving out of a limited structure and into a field of infinity.  At the same time it is believing we are always provided for because we are.  Allowing one to choose eliminates conditions I would put on a price tag.  This is new to me and it takes practice, yet I completely resonate with this truth.  My digitals are up for donation if you choose although i havent figured out how to engage in this structure with what I have to pay for. Like my paperbacks or tshirts etc. Until then i am working in the heart structure with my digital spirit art and readings. I believe in this and the Universe. We are always provided for.